Cheat Sheet

They don’t tell us this stuff. Here’s a cheat sheet on moving forward after an agent offer.

Table of Contents


This is that first email! You got a request for a call! Note  - some agents play with your blood pressure and call for an R&R (revise & resubmit). If this happens to you, one: RELAX. You’re not the first person it’s happened to. Two: Listen …

This is that first email! You got a request for a call! Note - some agents play with your blood pressure and call for an R&R (revise & resubmit). If this happens to you, one: RELAX. You’re not the first person it’s happened to. Two: Listen to Rihanna for the rest of the day and take a nap. It’s the only solution.

Call Request Reply


Thank you for getting back to me! I’m excited you enjoyed the read. As for a call, I checked my schedule and I am free during DATES & TIMES. Let me know if this works for you.

Once again, thank you for the kind words!


You went through the call, and YES - it’s an offer. Now notify all other agents considering your work that you’re hot ass - and they have two weeks to read (industry standard). Note: a notification of offer is a reply to the SAME EMAIL THREAD with “…

You went through the call, and YES - it’s an offer. Now notify all other agents considering your work that you’re hot ass - and they have two weeks to read (industry standard). Note: a notification of offer is a reply to the SAME EMAIL THREAD with “NOTICE OF OFFER” (all caps, right at the beginning) in the subject.

Notification of Offer


Hello! Thank you for your interest in CAPITALIZED TITLE. I’m sending a quick email to inform you I’ve received an offer of representation from another agent! Please get back to me by TIME, DATE so I may give them a response.


So you got your offer all checked out and you realize you don’t actually WANT to work with some of these agents. (You’re not supposed to query agents you don’t want to work with, but the query road get cold, girl.)  Aight bet. The agent wasn’t a fit…

So you got your offer all checked out and you realize you don’t actually WANT to work with some of these agents. (You’re not supposed to query agents you don’t want to work with, but the query road get cold, girl.) Aight bet. The agent wasn’t a fit, so don’t waste their time. I suggest you withdraw.

Withdrawal of MS


Hello! Thank you for your interest in CAPITALIZED TITLE. Because of other commitments, I would like to withdraw my manuscript at this time. I thank you for your consideration, and wish you the best in your endeavors.


Brace yourself. You’re gonna have to talk to strangers. One of the biggest parts of researching an offering agent is contacting their client references. Do you HAVE to? Yes. You do. Ask current clients who’ve sold, current clients who haven’t sold, …

Brace yourself. You’re gonna have to talk to strangers. One of the biggest parts of researching an offering agent is contacting their client references. Do you HAVE to? Yes. You do. Ask current clients who’ve sold, current clients who haven’t sold, and former clients whether or not the Agent In Question can fit the glass slipper.


Contacting References


Hello! This is my first time speaking to you, but I’m a prospective client for AGENT! I was hoping you would be able to give any insight on your relationship with AGENT, and give advice for someone looking to sign with them. If you’re available, I would love to chat on the phone or over email to get some of my questions answered.

Thank you so much for your time!


Did an agent have your MS so long that you’ve gone through multiple drafts? So long that when you finally get an offer, that book is WAY different than the book Agent 1 is still considering? Let them know you’ve received an offer on a newer draft.

Did an agent have your MS so long that you’ve gone through multiple drafts? So long that when you finally get an offer, that book is WAY different than the book Agent 1 is still considering? Let them know you’ve received an offer on a newer draft.

Offer On Newer Draft


Hello! I have received an offer of representation from another agent! As this agent has a more recent version of TITLE, please see the attached updated draft. Please get back to me by TIME, DATE so I may give them a response.


Some literary agencies are haunted by demons that ghost your notifications of offer - or ghost you completely. The only way to exorcise their evil presence from your inbox is to notify them they missed your deadline and that you withdraw.

Some literary agencies are haunted by demons that ghost your notifications of offer - or ghost you completely. The only way to exorcise their evil presence from your inbox is to notify them they missed your deadline and that you withdraw.

Ghosted Notification


Hello! As my deadline has passed and I haven’t heard back, I am closing this submission. Thank you!


Okay, okay, I see you girl! You’ve had multiple offers, and you’re the most popular girl in school. Now’s the time to tell the other agents to shove off. Not really. This was probably a hard decision to make - but think of the rejected authors who w…

Okay, okay, I see you girl! You’ve had multiple offers, and you’re the most popular girl in school. Now’s the time to tell the other agents to shove off. Not really. This was probably a hard decision to make - but think of the rejected authors who wish they were you right now.

Rejection of Offer


Hello! I would like to thank you so much for speaking with me and for your kind words about TITLE. Unfortunately, I have decided to go with another offer. I’m appreciative of your offer, and the time you spent answering my questions. I wish you good luck in your endeavors.


You’ve waded through the polluted, apocalyptic garbage island that is querying. Savor this moment. It’s normal to go back into the query trenches (ick, I know), but celebrate this no matter where you are in your journey. Then, accept the offer.

You’ve waded through the polluted, apocalyptic garbage island that is querying. Savor this moment. It’s normal to go back into the query trenches (ick, I know), but celebrate this no matter where you are in your journey. Then, accept the offer.

Offer Acceptance

Thank you for all your lovely comments and for answering my questions throughout this process. I would love to accept your offer!

I’m very excited to move forward with you, and I look forward to next steps!


The agent received the email. They said something about contracts, other stuff you’re not sure is in the common tongue. One problem: they forgot you’re a big baby and you have no idea what you’re supposed to be doing right now. Ask!

The agent received the email. They said something about contracts, other stuff you’re not sure is in the common tongue. One problem: they forgot you’re a big baby and you have no idea what you’re supposed to be doing right now. Ask!

Response to Welcome

This is all so great! So, moving forward, what do you expect from me? I understand that I am supposed to [EXPECTATIONS LIKE SIGNING THE CONTRACT AND WAITING FOR EDITS]. Is there anything else?


We don’t know everything, and sometimes we forget to do something about it. If you’ve accepted your agent’s offer but you still had questions you forgot to ask (or, let’s be real, didn’t know HOW to ask), you can still email them!

We don’t know everything, and sometimes we forget to do something about it. If you’ve accepted your agent’s offer but you still had questions you forgot to ask (or, let’s be real, didn’t know HOW to ask), you can still email them!

Oops More Questions

Hello, again! I know you’re currently working on my edits, but I had a few more questions come up since accepting the offer. QUESTIONS.

Still excited - please answer when you have the chance!


Your agent said they’ll get you their edits by Friday, but then Friday comes…and then goes. WTF. They should assume you will panic about their action and INaction at all times. Relax - they didn’t secretly drop you as a client. They totally biffed i…

Your agent said they’ll get you their edits by Friday, but then Friday comes…and then goes. WTF. They should assume you will panic about their action and INaction at all times. Relax - they didn’t secretly drop you as a client. They totally biffed it. Welcome to the high horse. Professionally check-in after a 2-4 day grace period.

Late Agent Edits

Hello! Just checking in on the status of my manuscript edits. Hope everything is going well with you - and please let me know if a revised date would work out better!


This is for when you and your agent celebrated your meet cute and your agent got you their edits, but nobody remembered you don’t have an eternity (which you WILL take if given the chance) to turn them in. All you have to do is ask. I would REPLY to…

This is for when you and your agent celebrated your meet cute and your agent got you their edits, but nobody remembered you don’t have an eternity (which you WILL take if given the chance) to turn them in. All you have to do is ask. I would REPLY to the agent email that includes their edits to ask for your deadline.

What’s the Deadline?

Alright, got it! Thank you for this - I’ll get right to it.

Around when would you like for me to turn the new draft in? I’m thinking it will take me somewhere around NUMBER OF WEEKS - does that work for you? Let me know!


Damn it! YOU totally biffed these revisions and now you’re DEFINITELY going to miss this “deadline” thing your agent seems to like so much. Breathe. You’re not the first artist to ask for an extension. Let your agent know the situation, rather than …

Damn it! YOU totally biffed these revisions and now you’re DEFINITELY going to miss this “deadline” thing your agent seems to like so much. Breathe. You’re not the first artist to ask for an extension. Let your agent know the situation, rather than wallowing (which, let’s face it, is our best talent).

Ask for an Extension

Hello again! It’s been a while.

I’ve been working hard on the edits you gave me for my manuscript, but I’ve definitely hit a snag. Would it be too big of an ask for a NUMBER OF WEEKS extension?

I’m hoping to finish before then, but I am trying not to rush through your suggestions. Please let me know when you can.


Publishing is simultaneously a subjective business and a snail-paced business. You query a polished MS, get requests, wait months ‘til the love is gone...and then receive feedback from CPs, or even agents. If you end up significantly revising, nudge…

Publishing is simultaneously a subjective business and a snail-paced business. You query a polished MS, get requests, wait months ‘til the love is gone...and then receive feedback from CPs, or even agents. If you end up significantly revising, nudge with your revision.

Major Revisions

Hello, again! Thank you so much for requesting TITLE a few months ago. Since your request on DATE, I have significantly updated the manuscript. Would you be interested in a resubmission?


A revise and resubmit - or, R&R - is an agent's version of "Try Before You Buy." It’s not an offer, but R&Rs show the agent wants you as their client. If their vision is compatible with yours, go for it! NOTE: The process varies, so clarify …

A revise and resubmit - or, R&R - is an agent's version of "Try Before You Buy." It’s not an offer, but R&Rs show the agent wants you as their client. If their vision is compatible with yours, go for it! NOTE: The process varies, so clarify with the agent how to resubmit.

Completed R+R

Hello! A few months ago on DATE, I queried and submitted my manuscript for TITLE. Although you ultimately passed, you gave me helpful feedback in an R&R - I am now resubmitting this work for your review once again.

Thank you for your input. Ultimately, my manuscript is stronger for it!


You've sent out your notices of offers's been 13 days. One day left until decision day. If there’s an agent dragging their feet across the finish line, it's absolutely okay to nudge them with a last warning that their time is running out. R…

You've sent out your notices of offers's been 13 days. One day left until decision day. If there’s an agent dragging their feet across the finish line, it's absolutely okay to nudge them with a last warning that their time is running out. REPLY to your notice of offer.

Offer Window Closing

Hello! I have not received a final decision from you on TITLE since my notice of offer. As the deadline for my decision is DATE & TIME, should I close this submission?



Template Smart.

NEVER just send an agent an unpersonalized version of these emails. They’re a starting off point - and you want to add a little stank on them. For example, when you send your NOTIFICATION OF OFFER, maybe there are some agents you’d prefer. Add a sentence or two to get that across.

Pobody’s Nerfect.

At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter. I made this resource because I know anxiety, and sometimes it makes even the simplest things seem like mountains. They’re molehills, chile, I’m sorry. You spell a name wrong or send the wrong title - it’s all okay. Nobody’s perfect, and agents don’t care.

They Get Paid.

AGENTS GET PAID TO REPRESENT YOU. Sure, not hundreds of thousands of dollars - quite the opposite. But agents aren’t kind strangers mentoring you through publishing out of the goodness of their heart. You PAY them to help you on this journey. ASK THEM YOUR QUESTIONS. GIVE THEM WORK.


Other References

This cheat sheet is really all about contacting others, but I’m sure you have WAY more questions. Check out other author websites (such as Alexa Donne’s website or Susan Dennard’s newsletter) in order to actually learn. (I’m too lazy to reinvent the wheel). This is less of a textbook lesson, more the answers in the back of the book.